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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the LA Girl Dream Glitter Liquid Eyeshadow - Aura would interest you.

If you can dream it, you can do it. Like achieving the perfect sparkle that’s as dreamy as you. Luckily, we created the Dream Glitter Iridescent Liquid Eyeshadow to bring your vision to life! The iridescent finish has a blue to pink shift will completely transform your look. The quick dry formula dries down fast, has long lasting wear, and thanks to the liquid formula, no glitter fallout. You can wear it alone, on top of eyeshadow, or even as a liner. It’s a dream come true.

  • Dimensional Liquid Glitter Eyeshadow
  • Quick Drying and Long Wearing Formula
  • Use Alone or on Top of Eyeshadow
  • Water Based Formula
  • Vegan and Paraben Free Formula

Pair with Pastel Dream Auto Eyeliner to complete the vision.

For more information, please click Here Regards,
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Melric is a New Zealand owned importing company, which for over 30 years has been sourcing products from all over the world and throughout New Zealand for the enjoyment of the New Zealand public. 



+64 (09) 476-7421