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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Florinda Soap On A Rope 200g - 12pcs would interest you.

Our large 200g bar of soap just got easier to handle, loop on your wrist to prevent the soap from falling to the floor, hanging the bar will allow it to dry faster and last longer, messy soap trays are eliminated.

Our vegetable soaps are processed entirely in an artisanal way according to the oldest manufacturing tradition. All the components are cold mixed and refined with a base of fine vegetable soap. To ensure a gentle cleansing, we use only natural ingredients without dyes and paraffins. Each single block of soap is cut and transformed into the finished product and then finally packaged.

Made in Italy.



For more information, please click Here Regards,
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Melric is a New Zealand owned importing company, which for over 30 years has been sourcing products from all over the world and throughout New Zealand for the enjoyment of the New Zealand public. 



+64 (09) 476-7421