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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Kapiti Fudge 150g -Mixed Fudge (3 flavours) would interest you.

In their custom built factory on the Kapiti Coast, their team or artisans work tirelessly to produce the highest quality, handmade, artisan candy. Family owned and operated, the Kapiti Candy Co team have been producing hand made confectionery for the New Zealand market for many years.

Their fudge is a unique texture all on its own. It’s ever so soft and almost dissolves in your mouth. One piece is never enough.


For more information, please click Here Regards,
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Melric is a New Zealand owned importing company, which for over 30 years has been sourcing products from all over the world and throughout New Zealand for the enjoyment of the New Zealand public. 



+64 (09) 476-7421